You will need a pair of Red / Blue 3D glasses to enjoy all the fun and games. Jazan Wild's Carnival Of Souls is The World's 1st 3D Mobile Comic. Put on your glasses & hold on tight!
Carnival Of Souls(Welcome To The Show) in 3D!
This wonderfully dark journey into the wild leads readers into the heart of a twisted circus. Jazan couldn't wait to enter the carnival, but once he did, it entered him! After leaving the grounds, he becomes the sole survivor of a plane crash. Jazan begins to see the freakish characters from the carnival deep in the heart of the jungle he crashed into. What was once a dream, has quickly become a nightmare.
CREATOR and WRITER: Jazan Wild
SCRIPTING: Stefan Petrucha / Jazan Wild
PENCILS and INKS: Kevin Conrad
CLOWN COVER: Clayton Crain
JUNGLE COVER: Kevin Conrad
COLORS: Dan Kemp / Matt Yackey
Includes a bonus Rock N Roll Track "The Snake!"
Hit Menu and Save 2 SD Card. Then use Carnival Comics Reader.